The 16 THE CINCINNATI. SUNDAY. MARCH 18, 1892- TWENTY PAGES. UNFORTUNATES Who AreSuffering From Mental Trouble. Verdict in Elberon Avenue Condemnation Case.
Allegations About the Members of the Bushnell Jury. One Divorce Case Dismissed and an Answer Filed. Some Business Done in the Criminal Court. Proba'e Business--New Suits Began and Other Legal Matters. Amelia Mitchum, a colored woman, was the wildest lunatio that has been in the Court-house fur some time.
She screamed and yelled and struggled with the attendants It was difficult to control her. She lived at No. 398 George street. Her husband is Samuel R. Mitchum.
Not lone age she gave birth to a child. It died. That and the puerperal condition wrecked her mind. She now has religious notions of various kinds. She was sent to Longview Asylum.
Another Unfortanate Woman. Emma Leppert. wife of Albert Leppert, living at 446 West Ninth street, was another insane patient in Court the has ideas of persecution and that her food is poisoned. The puerperal condition caused her mental trouble. the weeps most of the time.
she was seus to Longview. Ruchnell Net Sentenced. Hob Rushnell wad to have been sentenced yester lay, but the matter was to tponed upon the plea of his counsel. Thos. F.
Shay, He said he had discovered that members of the jury were employes of the was (. and u. 1 ails ad. from which Bushnell accused of stealing. He was given time to ascertain it that is true.
Criminal Cases. William Bowen, charged with cutting, was released yesterday on a bond of $1.000 signed by Peter Kaiser. Henry Price was arraigned on a charge of murder, in the second dexree, and pleaded Dot guilty. Verdict of Compensation. The jury in the condemnation suit of the County Commissioners against Clara 1.
Wilder and others save their verdict yesterdas. It was as follows. Lot No. 2. 783 Lot No.
510 Damages to res due Damages to resique Lot No. 3.... Impruveme LOt No. 15... LUE 4 Damages to residue 3,90 Lot No.
17. Los No, Easem*nt Du to residue Lot Lot A 18.. Lot No, Damages to residue Lot No. 19. 1.1:0 Lot Net, Impr 2,000 Damages to residue Let No.
21... 1 Lot No. 9 Lot No. 21... Damages to residue Lot No, LiE No.
10. Damages to res due Lot No. ent Los No. 11.. Lot Nit.
Lot No. Damages to 8 The following lots were not represented by counsel, and no testimony was offered, but the jury made the following valuations: No 19 No. Damages to 2 0, -10 Damages to No, No. 10 No. 20 Divorce Matters.
In the Rechel divorce case, mentioned in another column, Judge Outcalt dismissed the petition and the payment of $10 week alimony to continne. Thomas Greent-ld answered the divorce suit of Mary Greentient, He denies her charges of neglect, alleges that she waguilty of the otiense. He asks that the petition be dismissed. General Court Matters. Otto Amer is administrator of John Gether.
Henry Sullivan is administrator of C. E. Lenahan. Realty. $1,000.
The executors of Robert Hamilton got Judgment azainst the City of London Fire Insurance ompany for $2,221 03. The H. N. Pogue Company sued M. Peters for $601.70 for guo a solo.
Rankin D. Jones, att-rney. Jacob F. Weiler sued Anne Trumann partition real estate. C.
F. Horn berger, attortier. Frank Bowles. administrator of Eliza Lloyd, sued Albert and Margie Loos: $510 on totes. P.
W. Francis, attorney. The St. Bernard Building Association sned Anna and Fred Bruns and others to foreclose A. C.
attorner. be Jennes Firetric Motor Company surd the F. I. Morgan Light and Power Company to replevin dynamos. Kramer Kramer.
attoruess. has. W. Fuegner ened Edward Fuegner and others to partition real estate. Joan H.
Marck worth, attorney. I Association sued Silas V. Kinney and others to foreclose a J. H. haries Smith, attornes.
Silas H. Piatt a a construction of rill and partition of real estate. Forue, Pottinge de attorneys. signee George of C. Campb sued Henry Danziger.
title F. Tersman quiet the to real estate, H. attorner. schumacher sued David Dowd tor $328 25. J.
M. Caroline Dawson, L. iturnes. Blymeser sued the trustee of the Blyneyer Ice Machine Compans for 97 on noter. ilby Waid, attorneys.
-Authons Vechs sued for $1.628 78 due for goods sold. Wilby Wald. attorneys. E. Jordan sued Wm.
White and others tor a settlement of partnership attairs. Jordan Jordan, attorness, F. Marohn sued F. Doepke for $2,600 kite for services. Bright Fridman.
Jelenko Bro. sued W. 8. Napier for $1.446 60 on notes and an account. An ment was issued, Crane 0.
R. F. krust and Thompsin Kichards, atThomas H. Spargo, administrator of George H. McNeal, sued the B.
and U. Railroad Come pany because of MoSeal's death. Howard Douriass and J. rawloril, attorness. Lavina -tan bury sued the Charies Jacobs Cordage Company for, $10.000 damages beof injuries received.
J. H. Charles Smith, attorner. the case of the city against Ann Walden and the Jury assessed the following compensation: Walden. $700: Jacob Weis.
$950: John W. Charis. $1,750: George H. Charis, $1,350, County Clerk's Omer- Now Salts Filed. COMMON PLEAS COURT.
Wm. F. Kanis Edward Carli et al. 92,610, M. B.
H. Johnson vs. Emory Johnson. Divorce, 92,511. George H.
Bruns vs. Jacub Drott. A pical. 92.512 Leon Kata vs, Celm Katz. Divorce.
W. Edward Purguer et al. Partition. Silas H. Prate va.
Silas H. Hubbell ani wife Kelief. 02,515. The il. 8.
Pogue Company M. Peters 92.516. Jesse Goldberry TE Henry Goldberes. Divorce 94517. Frank Bowles Albert Loos.
ReSame va, same et al. Relief. 2510. prank Hecksmith et al. City of Curcianati.
Error. 90.800. Katie Blockett vs. Alfred G. Stockett.
The Jenner Electric Motor C'ompans the F. B. Morean Printing and Lithographing Company et al. Replevin, 92522. The A polio Loan and Building Comet al.
Heliet. The at Bernard Loan and Building sociation Company Frederick Brans Foreclosure Lanciation The St. Conipans fiernard Loan and Building Auna Bruns et al. ward Mansheld et trustees the Union District Coin pans. Appeal.
Edward Slanstield et srustees, Christian cons Appeal. 01 Manstinid or al trustees. U. omith ward at trustees. Moore, Appeal.
Mansfield et trustees. wart et al, A posal. et trustees. Stephens Appeal County Commis of A var Elenry conumacher David Dowd. Jacob F.
Weiler vs. Anna Trumann et al. Relief. Mansfield al. Appeal.
J. W. Goldkamp et al. vs, Frank E. Roth A 92,337.
Mansfield et trustees. Maroun Wm. F. Doepke. The Kanfinan Brewing Company 18 Frederick Bracken.
A pueal Nathan E. Jordan 020. White, Reuer. COURT. 46.076.
Thos. 11. Sparges, vs. this land ax Company. Money.
40.027. Jacob Jetenko et al. to a 46.078 Jennie Eischenzreen va. Beni. baum.
Money. 46.079. Stan bury ye. The Charles Jar ordaze ompans. Money, Ouchs va.
m. Brochmann. Monies. 46,081, Caroline L. Blyinger vi.
A. B. Meader. trustee." Money. Pollen Court Drunkenness Gilb.
Hares, costs: John Ryan, $5 and costs: John Cassiebr. alias Johnson. March 19: Philip Sours, $10. ten days and Assault and Battery, James Ebgers. March 19: Louts ail versach.
So and costs, Alice mardy, $5 and costa: W. Douches Gertie Hartwen. Maren 17: Louis Orations. Si and costs: carl Custs; Edw. thirts days, and costa: Thomas Karde, $10 and cost: Jobu Pouer-, dismissed.
Loitering Charles Doran, March 11: Willin: Hardt, March 14. Deliveri g. Auniterated Milk- -Lawrence Marchi 14: Louis Bezxman. March 19: Georg Grahaus, 14. Street Channing, March Obtaining Money by False Pretenses- JuAtroott.
March 18. cutting to Kul-Gro, Davies, March 19. Carrying c'oncealed Weapons byroR Bishop. March 19. TYPHOID FEVER Interestingly Disou-ned De.
Beamy Be. fore the Teachers' Association. The epacious hall at Hughes High School was the scene of a most interesting and enthusiastic ecting of the Hamilton Counts Teachers' Association yesterday. Lesides the teachers from this city and the suburbs. a number of prominent teachers from adjacent counties were present and manifested a deep interest.
The of Ur. Thad A. Reamy upon the programme excited more than a passing ter at in the proceeding of the meeunk, and his powerful address proved the wisDom of the Executive committee in soliciting hir services. The doctor was introduced to the audience by hairman H. liver as teachers friend, and in few preliminary ers exp.
cten to hear something either diremarks he stated that doubt the teachrectly or indirectly connected with teaching. If such were the case they were doomed disappointment. Many changes have been made in methods of instruction since he was a teacher, and he had ho complui its to make of teachers. hey are com to know much that the only wonder is that they know it so well. teachers are compelled to use the cramming process, aud those who are most proficient in process are denominated the best teachers by many parents and guardians.
With these brief remarks he would discuss his subject proper- ty fever. Then followed a Most graphic and pleasing discussion of his subject. He told of the wondertul mortality from this disease: described the specific verm that causes it. the symptoms peculiar to it. the elect upon the diderent organs of the body, the precautions necessary to prevent it and urrest its progress, and named a number of disinfecta to.
It isone of the most prevalent of all levers, and persons from 8 to 10 and up to 35 years of age are must likeis to contract it. Ninety-eignt cases out of evers hundred are caused by the use of impure water. milk. de. doctor entertained his audience for over an hour, and after the conclusion of his lecture spent some time in answering a nunber of questions put by the enthusiastic teuchers.
The recitations in phonetics by the first reader puviis of the Glendale scuools, the direction of Miss Mars Hook much merited applause, and speaks well for the Glen ale schools, of which Prof. R. Mitchell is superintendent. Eager inquiries as to the system used at Glendale. brought forth the announcement that the Pollard system is used.
of Miss Minnie Mohr's paper, What I Saw in the Schools of tiermany. which was read at the October meetins. were distributed to the teachers in pamphlet form, The reading of D. W. Gualtner's paper Was deferred to the next meeting.
PYROGRAPHIC WORK Panel Representing Rattledore and Shuttle. co*ck. Rudfalo Kentess TAYLOR AVENUE The Fork of Improvement To Begin SoonBids For Other County Work. Assistant County Solicitor Bromwell Snbmitted an opinion to the Board of Counts commissioners yesterday, stating that it 1F88 authorized by law to improve Taylor avenue alone, without including the improvement of Tweed avenue at the same time, providing the complete right of on the road. to be improved hits been cured without any expense to the countr.
Encineer Krus was asked to ascertain if such rights of way had been obtained. A petition from the merchants doing business near the was receited. askthat the gas-lamps be kept liguted night in front of the building. The Envincer was instructed to employ -tender the Sutras road swing bridge. The proposition of Lonis Hefner to do graving and las drain pipe on Miami mike for the sum of $200 was accepted.
The Euxineer was instructed to make an early rethe alleged dangerous condition of The bridge over Kacie Creek, in 4 pierain Bids were opened the new iron truss bridge over Duck Creek road, near oak's dairs. in lownship, and also for the placing of broken stone North Rend road, The lowest bidder for, the bringe was the racken lirige Combid of $630, and that for the stone was F. G. Henghold at $1 59 per cubic yard. Two Small Fires.
Engine Company No. 13 and Rooks No. sponded to a still alarm from the residence of Mra. Heilea, at 237 Findiay street: Jesterdas morning. A chimner burned out.
No damage, Company No. 9 and Books No. 6 extinguished a but sudden blaze on the root of an unoccupied house at: 379 Went P. urth street afternoon. Damage to the amount of 855 was done.
The properts as owned by W. J. Dunlap. The Mark Thomas Wells, Captain of the tow-boat Isere, cot drunk and fell asleep moraine in Sirs hamlin's boardine-botse at 44 East Fourth street. William Garcome in and $17 out of the Captain's The Captain was tooked an at the Station for safe keeping when he went these to report the robbery.
and Patrolman Shader arrested Garrett for I petit Wives Dispersing C. M. Hart's wives did not show up in the Mayor'a office terdar. One -No. -left Friday evening for Chattanooga, and it is supposed the other la somewhere in the Only the The promised appropriation for renovating the Government la dead.
Only the usual amount will be allowed for cleaning the corridors. FECHEEIMER BROTHERS FIRST PREMIUM CLOTHIER FURNI HATTERS SHOES BOYS, ARE YOU OUT 3 OFFERED BY FECHHEIMERS? The following are the Conditions: We offer to the Boys of Hamilton, Warren, Clermont and Butler Counties, Ohio: Campbell, Kenton and Boone Connties. Kentucky, and Dearborn County, Indiana, Three Grand Prizes for the Best Advert eemento (with or withont illustrations) applicable to our business. The First Prize is 455 in Gold. the Second Prize a Sal suit of Clothes, and the Third Prize a $15 Suit of Clothes.
The entire Advertisem*nt, including name and address of writer, mad not occupy more space than one side of a sheet of foolscap paper. Three prominent citizens will be selected, one each by The Cincinnati Enquirer, Commercial-Gazette and Cincinnati Post, to award the Prizes. The names of the successtal competitors will be publishe! in the da ly papers of March 20, an I the Prizes distribnted Monday morning, March 21. Competition cioses March 15, at noon. Aduress Advertising Department, imer Bros.
Co. MEN, YOU MUST HAVE OUR GREAT REDUCTIONS OURPANTS! I BOYS' CLOTHING DEPAR'MT The law requires it. You can't get along without them. Are appreciated. This is evidenced Ly the larse trade that are lave We have too many, and will been having.
We must make room give them to you fur our Immense Suck of Spring Gonds, a will for one week more ABSQLUTELY FREE! POSITIVELY the LAST WEEKProfit. Here Goes: allow of All Pants reduced from 65c 81.25. Only one pair to OFF on ail Ranken Sizes in Boys each customer. Many of them are Medium Weights, and can be worn during $1.65 For duced MEN'S from $2.50 PANTS, $3. re- 60 the 2.00 entire Spring; Now $1.33 For MEN'S PANTS, re- 3.00 Now $2.00 $2.65 duced from $3.50 84.
00 4.50 $3.00 For MEN'S PANTS, re- 00 5.00 Now $3.83 $3.65 duced from $4.50 85. 7.50 Now 85.00 810.00 Now $6.67 $4.65 For BEST PANTS in the house, re- 50c 33c duced from $6, $7 and $8. 75c 500 1.00 670 SPRING OVERCOATS IN DEMAND Now. We've got them to suit all tastes at FREE FOR THE BOYS. from $5 to $25.
Our lines at 810, $12 and FINE PO. KET-KNIVES GUNS, $15 are simply "out of sight. OF MATS FECHHEIMERS MISTOOK A Long-Haired Man For His Wife. Strange Flight That a West End Murder Mystery. justice done.
THIRD-STREET GOSSIP. MT. ADaNs closed at ADDESTOS is one of the April dividend eight years ago." remarked an oldtime policeman in speaking of the recent Flynn murder. "there was a min named Becker shot on Gest and Berlin streets. He was sitting on his own door-step at midnight.
When found he was carried into his own residence and the Coroner summoned. The latter ordered the son, Henry Becker, under arrest. The pistols found the house were all of 40-caliber, while Becker was shot with bullet of 22-caliber. The young man was discharged, and shortis after a 22-caliber was found by a sardener and turned over to the officer on the beat. The weapon.
after diligent search, was found, to belong to the superintendent of a large furniture When factory he earned of the find in the West End. he at once packed his bel to an auction house. and resigning his skipped for the ast. where he is living to-das and hulling a similar position to the one he held in tr. is eity.
It appears that the superin endent. who lived in the neighborhood, was quarrelink with his wife in the back yard, and she ran the house to go for an ficer. fie followed, and on the steps with his long hair ovir his face, he mistook him for his wife and shot him. He 200n saw the mistake be bad made, and of course threw away his gun, which was a 22-caliber. Possibly if the authorities would pay the expenses of sending man Fast the masters would not only be but lung-delayed pasers.
Tue non-taxable securities are now in great demand. STREET RATLWAY enjoyed boom. selling from to bonds are in active demand, to hold over tax time. ELECTRIC LiGht followed in the wake of Gas, advancing to ERLASGER is enjoying another period of reDose. No offers or bids.
THE Covington banks' statements did not tend to boom the stocks. Tar South Covington and Cincinnati Street Railway earns more money daily. GAS STOCK was the favorite. Heavy baying ran the price up to 198 at the close. is about the only insurance stock in demand.
It is wanted at 140. PROCTOR GAMBLE preferced is beld at 115. common at and the bonds at 103 Axxiote inquiries made abont the Stock Yarde situation daisy remain unanswered. LITTLE MIANT bas almost regained its dividend in the price of stock. It is held at THE proponed Water-works 3.65 per cent.
bonds, if issued this year, ought to tind buyers at par. DAYTON AND MICHIGAN, common and preferred, rarely change hands. They are held exclusively by investors. CINCINNATI market has number of very wood bonds, which find ready buyers at a slight concession below Januars prices, Wars Cincinnati gets another representaave in the Distilling Company investors will buy the stuck to keep, dosing quotation, 47. CITIZENS NATIONAL is held at 240, First at 270, Merchants at 140, Ohio Valley at 140 and third at 164 Secund National is in demand at 365.
THE local Trust companies are all doing well. Union advanced from 115 to 190: Cincinnati Safe Deposit and Trust is hela 1.0, and Central as 1105 STANDARD OIL is in as good shade to-day ever. The Trustees were ready for the auverse decision in the Ohio Supreme ourt. and wath a slight change in methods the business will run as usual. Closed at 167.
(exdividend) bid. CHAMBER OF Cows race certificates continue to decline. Lastiale at The annual sessment uf $25 is due in September. If ther continue to decline as they have during the last twelve months it may become necessars to cancel mans for non-payment of duee of non-taxable securities, who expect to sell them after tax listing das, by selectina Gas stock, Street Raliwar. Mc Adams, and Dayton and Michigan common set a dividend in April, which almost assures them a profit on the transaction.
Tell de da a There is altars better. fishing on the other side of the river. COUNTRY HOMES People Park, The big in over 5.000 peoble to in -Dect the new suburb and the Terest: East Walnut Hilises The tact that made to would indicate that the vantages of LIKE A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN Our salesrooms are teeming with elegant Spring Bargains. Our stock was never so complete, our prices never SO low as now. Don't fail to give us a call if you are looking for any thing in our line.
It will surely pay you. 0 Folding Beds, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, Wardrobes, $25. $24.50. $15. $10.
HYMAN. DUHME CO. WEDDING GIFTS AT REASONABLE PRICES I Electro Silver Table Wares and Novelties, as Produced in the United States, are the Admiration of the Civilized World. The Electro Silver Plater, with his art, succeeds most admirably in giving inexpensive metals the exact appearance of solid silver, a and at the same time with such enduring qualities an satis the most exactirg The beautiful forms, the perfect A ish, the serviceable qualities, the reasonable prices, present rare attractions to those who are endowed with refined tastes but not with "long purses. The very choicest selections in Electro Silver Table Wares and Novelties, from the Meriden Britannia Simpson, Hall, Miller Reed Barton; Middletown Plate and other reliable manu acturers, now shown in DUHME 00.
'S Reta 1 Departments. An inspection will gratify those who are seeking handsome, serviceable Table Wares and Novelties at low ices. DUHME CO. ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. EIGHT INSPECTORS To Watch City Fire-Escapes.
Bill Will Be Drawn Up Empowering Their Appointment bill pa is. THE LIGHT INFANTRY. Upon motion of Dr. Graydon, at yesterday's meeting of the Board of Administration. a resolution was adopted directing the Engineer to report a res futien to improve Oak street from the Readine road to Stanton avenue with asphalt, except the railroad tracks, which are to be paved with granite John Kiltour notified the Board that he will open up McMicken avenue from a point near the Mohawk Bridge to Warner street.
The matter was referral to the Euzineer. 'The petition for the improvement of Elland avenue from Burnet avenue to the corporaLion li re was referred to the Engineer. The Engineer was directed to report a resolution to improve with brick Westavenue from menne to the west line of section 2 of Malicreek 'Fownship. The specifications for the improvement of Woodburn avenue froin the line of the German Protestant Cemetery by sew ring hows the total cost to De $5.318. There wit be no expense to the property owners in consequence of this improvement, The contractors tor the improvement of Moerlein avenue were granted an extension eL time in which to complete the Work.
1 were Kicen until Slay 1. Engineer and Health Office rotis, the former in unt $5,406 and Lue mutter $2.549. were Mr. was directed to prepare a bill to be presented to the General Assembly authorizing tue 11- spector of Worksnops aup-int eigot addijonal Inspectors or The dules of the Smoke Inspect will not include tuat of inspecting fire escapes, should this Within few weeks the Cincinnati Light Infantry will have one of the -best militar bands in the city. The band will consist of thirty pieces, and will be composed of mainly members al the conservaturs of Music, and will be regularis enlisted the new band will give a concert at the walnut Hills Odeon April 12.
Major Thomas has appainted John C. Roth. First Lieutenant of Company B. to the Adof the building, vice R. Shearer, resigned.
The Union Veteran League will attend the trill our next Tuesday evening in a body. A very enjoyable time is expected when the soldiers of 1862 and 1802 meet. A pleasant rivalry exists between Companies A and each is drilling two nights a week to attain the standius of first compans of the battalion. Owing to the sweetheart of Private Allie Bald being in Company he was granted transfer to said cou The minstrel show for April 19 will ondoubtedly be the best amateur show ever riven in this The management is to de complimented ou its excellent work. There whit a number uf very Dovel ellecis, which will be excellentis sured.
A Bor Hart. Edward Shark, a sixteen sear old boy. had his les broken while he riding a horse on Fourth street, At Elm street the horse stumbled and fell with his rider. Pass which convered released the boy to his and home, at a patrols Harrison avenue. horse belonging to Bets Son.
of Newpurt, and driven by William McGuire, ran away on Warsaw avenue Price Hiil, res terday atternoon a McGuire was unhurt Toledo Query Will the derful religions re vival in Cincinnati affect the political situs at all. the women. as usual? The eves of the Lord place. be PILLS. The Wonderful REGISTERED MARIENBAD REDUCTION TRADE MARK TRADE MARK PILLS! Which enre or mulence.
at the rite of 2 to 0 pounda per week, are creating great excitement York, and, through the country. They are suaranteed, absolutely hA.mand by R. well York ail the The care is weld in Cincinati con sixth call and get one of the pamphlets (40 page) free, fel4-8t8u HUNDREDS GOING to SEE THEM FREE FOR 3 MONTHS The great Enropean and American staff of Doctors will continue Free Service for three months toall who call on them before Marcis 19. During the past eight weeks 2,109 in ralfds were examined free: 643 were rejected as in curable. Remember, there are only 6 days until March 19.
COUPON. This coupon entitles the holder to admission, consultation, adgice and all surgical operatious free for three month-, Hours, 9 a. to. 7:30 p. Sandass, 10 to 4 This Staff of Doctors ie incorporated by an act of ture, Office, 264 Elm Street.
AL ESTATE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE- Choice Real Estate! This is to announce that the follow ins will be sold public auction within a few weeks, unless sod at private sale, to close the estate of the late J. M. Brunswick. 1.
N. W. Cor. Baymiller and Living ston streets -Block of live 2-story brick residences, all in good order, and bringing good income for investor Will sell separate or in block. Ashland Walnut Hills, between McMillan and Fleming Three modern brick dences, each.
10 with all improvements. house built on lot 45 feet front by 150 deep. This location is unexcelled. The Homestead, which been previously advertised, sit Grandelew arenne, East Walnut having a frontage 100 feet by deep to Glenway avenue, is in every way. Grandview avenue- lot.
adjoining Homestead on the being 100 leet front by deep to Gleaway avenue, covered with All persona desiring to a purchase any of the above desiring: farther details, CHAS, KAHN, 78 West Third Street: B. IL. BRUNS INION HOWARD DOUGLASS, WE HAVE BEEN ACCUSED BEING TOO AMBITIOUS WE PLEAD GUILTY TO THE CHARGE, AND OFFER IN EXPLANATION THE FOLLOWING: We are ambitious to keep up our reputation for selling only RELIABLE GOODS We are ambitious to be known as Leaders in LOW PRICES! We are ambitious to be way ahead of our compe in EASY TERMS! WE ARE AMBITIOUS TO PUT THE NAME OF 193 195 SI DOWN ON SI FIFTH ST. and Special Croaks, Dress Terms Clothi Good WEST HYMAN RALINCE 500 A WEEI ON A MILLION TONGUE- -AND WI WILL DO IT. TOO: Take a stroll through our place and you will see that the other fellows are not in it.
FURNITURE! CLOAKS! CARPETS! CLOTHING! STOVES! WE ARE EST SHOWING NOVELTIES THE IN LATLACE CURTAINS! AT DRESS GOODS! WE ARE ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. cave in at Whoop! this Muse Talk erbout who'd the Care life he Walk tonk know they the a HOUSE GOODS HEAD QUARTER hand In 11. He taker the cake it WATCHES FORknot the on the whom bargains yon ta knows king EINDS. JEWELRY! state fo selling OF- BABY BUGGIES Fee us before baying where. AUO ION SALES AUCTION SALE FOR RENT.
By JOHNSON CO. No. 18 East Fourth Street. Administrator's Sale. The entire Furniture of a 12-room house, consisting of Bedroom and Parlor Seis.
Piano, Wardrobes, Desks, Book Hat Racks, sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Rock Couch Bedding, Tollet Brussels and Ingrain Carpata, Crockery, AT AUCTION. WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 16, At 10 o'clock, at our salesroom, No. 18 Bast Pourth street: ALSO ONE SET WALNUT BAR FIXTURES. JACKSON JACKSON 169 Main Street. Auction Sale Monday, 14th March, M.
SHARP. WIll Contents of comed House, remored to these Room for convenience of sale under the powers Mortgage, NONETTO LOAN. $100,000 To Loan Ground Co CUMBERLAND GAP PARK Situated Near Cumberland Gap. Tent LUXURIOUS HEALTH RESORT. FOR REN The Large.
STOR and and The 182 Elm recent the terminus of the new and and Sim will a ore of the best business in the a rent low, a Inquire of Heintz, Lane THIRD ST. MOTH PUVDE3. Us ROSE'S EXTERMINA.